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1 in 4 people struggle with password overload

Are you tired of juggling a multitude of passwords like a circus act? You're not alone. According...

Online Security: Addressing The Dangers Of Browser Extensions

Browser extensions have become as common as mobile apps. People tend to download many and use few....

The Importance of Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus for Businesses

With the increasing frequency of cyberattacks on UK businesses, organisations of all sizes must...

Cyber security training once a year isn’t working

We all know how important it is to keep our people up-to-date on the latest cyber threats. After...

Learning from NHS Ransomware Attack: Strengthening Healthcare Cybersecurity With IT Managed Solutions

Ransomware attacks are on the rise in the UK with an increase of 70 per cent in 2023 according to...

Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams

If you're all about doing everything you can to help your team max their productivity (who wouldn’t...

Future Trends in Authentication: What To Expect In The Coming Years

Strong authentication is crucial for business security. Requiring employees to use multi-factor...

Uh oh! You’re at greater risk of malware than ever before

Here’s something not-so-fun but incredibly important to talk about: Malware attacks.

And it’s bad...

VoIP Solutions for Business: Enhancing Communication And Efficiency

Effective communication is vital in business as it ensures clarity of approach, promotes efficient...

Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features

Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and managers.