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6 Cybersecurity Tips Your Business Should Follow To Give It A Headstart
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6 Cybersecurity Tips Your Business Should Follow To Give It A Headstart

In this age of information, cyber breaches in businesses are as impactful, if not worse, than physical break-ins. According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018, over 40% of businesses in the UK have been compromised at one point in their lifetime. Organisations should, therefore, prioritise measures that shield them against such attacks.

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The effects of cyber attacks on businesses can be debilitating, bringing organisations to their knees. Below are some security tips that should be implemented by an organisation wishing to stay cyber secure:

1) Treat Your Business Like A Target

It is common for smaller businesses to assume that they will not be targeted by cyber attackers. This causes laxity in their security systems, making them softer targets to hackers. While it may never happen to your business, you can never be certain, since attackers use automated software that randomly selects targets. Assuming your business is a constant target and having vigilant security measures in place will reduce the likelihood of it ever happening.

2) Ensure All Software And Hardware Are Updated

Software and hardware updates, in most cases, come with security patches to eliminate identified vulnerabilities. Using outdated software poses a major risk to businesses since, without constant security patches, attackers will have all the time to figure out system vulnerabilities and exploit them. If possible, automatic updates should be implemented for all systems to ensure all vulnerabilities are sealed.

3) Use Passwords That Are Strong And Unique

While there are other more secure authentication methods, such as biometric scanners, passwords remain the most commonly used means of accessing systems and websites. Using weak passwords makes it easy for criminals to access your system. Reusing passwords in different places also makes it easier for it to be compromised and used against you.

4) Ensure All Devices Are Secure

It goes without saying that servers and workstations should be secured to prevent any breaches from being perpetrated through them. Many businesses, however, do not understand the importance of securing the phones and tablets of their employees with access to the organisation’s network. To be safe, these should be limited to guest networks, through which hackers cannot enter the system.

5) Be Careful With Links And Files Received Via Email

Sending booby-trapped files and website links is a favourite tactic for hackers; targeting unsuspecting individuals into installing malware in their systems. These are most commonly sent through emails and if accessed through an organisation’s systems, a major breach could result. Hacking links can also be sent through social media posts, WhatsApp, Messenger and other channels, so users should be urged to be on their guard when dealing with suspicious messages.

6) Make Regular Data Backups

Without backup, malicious attackers could delete some of your important files, leading to a major loss of data. Apart from attackers, human error or system failure could also result in data loss. This is why businesses should automatically backup their data, with at least one copy kept off-site, to allow recovery in case the whole system gets compromised.

Find Out More

With these basic precautions, you will be able to prevent most attacks and recover quickly in case any of them happen. However, it can also help to have a managed IT service provider on side to help safeguard your customers and employees, and enable swift recovery from any breaches. To find out more, please call 0333 900 9050.
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