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What Is Managed Telephony, And How Could It Benefit Your Business?

Written by Anthony | May 14, 2019 11:44:47 AM

Save money, and simplify your phone system.  

Following the successful relaunch of our managed IT services, we are now expanding our range of services, offering even more business benefits and value to our customers. One of our new services is managed telephony. But what is managed telephony, and why might you want it?

TMB’s managed telephony service is a VoIP-based service. As you may know, VoIP stands for ‘voice over internet protocol’ – essentially meaning online phone calls. It’s the same technology that powers apps like Skype. More specifically, it is an IPBX (Internet-based Private Business Exchange) service.

Where our managed telephony differs from VoIP apps is that you get physical phones with their own phone numbers, and you can set up a switchboard, an overflow system or anything else you normally would with regular landline phone systems. To the people who use these IP phones, it’s business as usual; all the clever stuff happens in the background, with the handsets connecting to a cloud-based phone network that can be accessed from anywhere. 

Because they’re internet phones, they offer high-quality calls at a fraction of the price of normal calls. The savings alone could easily cover the cost of the subscription fee to our managed telephony service, but you also won’t have to pay for line rental.

As a digital system, it’s also easy to integrate our phones with other systems. For example, you can easily initiate and track calls, and you can access voicemail no matter where you are.

Our IPBX-based service has the advantage of being quickly scalable as well. You don’t need to add new lines; you just tell us when you need to add a user, then plug in another phone and off you go.

Is Managed Telephony Right For You?

In the majority of situations, IP-based managed telephony makes sense. It saves money, it’s easy to scale up, and it integrates well with other digital systems.

However, VoIP has one major disadvantage that we do acknowledge: it relies on an internet connection. If your internet is slow, your call quality could suffer. And if your internet goes down, you won’t be able to make any calls at all. 

Arguably, though, you might not be able to get much done without your internet anyway, and if you really need to make a call, you could always use your mobile phone.

Ultimately, the advantages of managed telephony far outweigh the potential drawbacks. So if you want to do away with aging phone lines and expensive line rental fees, our managed telephony service is the way to go. If you would like more information, please call 0333 900 9051.