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Introducing The OPUS Add-On For Pegasus Opera 3: Features And Benefits

Written by Anthony | Apr 21, 2020 12:25:00 PM

Opera 3 is Pegasus's all-in-one software solution for remote, centralised finance, payroll, logistics, paperwork, and supply chain management. It's fully compatible and integrates with all standard format (i.e. SQL) databases, server suites, and common operating systems, including Windows 10.

  • Opera 3 allows business owners and administrators to quickly and effectively view vital data, resolve issues, and make changes where needed, streamlining your company to make it the best it can be.
  • One big advantage of Opera 3 is that it allows users to buy and install a varied range of modular add-ons, tailored to the niche needs of each business.

OPUS is Pegasus's premier supply chain and order management module, covering front-of-house sales, manufacturing supply chains, and internal stock.

It's aimed at both brick-and-mortar, traditional retail and online stores that rely heavily on real-time product databases. The range of supply chain management features also makes OPUS attractive to larger businesses, focused on direct stock ordering or bespoke product manufacture.

What Is OPUS?

OPUS stands for Order Processing Utility Solutions. In practice, OPUS manages, analyses, and scans your ordering and logistics databases, carrying out automatic and manual orders as well as flagging issues (such as lower than expected sales) for your attention.

OPUS can track purchase and order histories alongside quotes and fulfilled work logs. OPUS makes these fully searchable via the Opera 3 dashboard, allowing users to pick out specific orders for customer support, product returns, and auditing. You can also categorise sales data to better understand which products are leading sales (for example).

OPUS allows quick changes to be made to entire product categories via database integration. The module is ideal for online stores focused on offering flash sales, stock clearances, and quick discounts.

Key OPUS Features

  • Combined database cross-referencing and checking
  • Fully searchable order lists
  • Order merging - add orders together or combine blocks
  • Transaction invoice (pdf) quick referencing and analysis
  • Low stock and missing stock automated warnings (via sop)
  • Automated profit margin warnings (by line and product)
  • Automated missing payment warnings
  • Create, copy, modify, and combine quote templates from past quotes
  • Special pricing features - set unique prices per customer or for one-off orders
  • Comprehensive order and transaction history logging
  • Sales metadata analysis, readouts, and breakdowns - see profit and loss per location and per item

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Image source - Pexels