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Microsoft’s ‘New Commerce Experience’: What You Need to Know

Written by Alexa Davis | Sep 1, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Microsoft’s Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) programme is changing to meet the needs of modern businesses. The New Commerce Experience (NCE) – initially launched in 2019 for Microsoft Azure – is being expanded in 2022 to include other popular products, including Microsoft 365, Windows 365, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform, on a seat-based model.

The stated aim of expanding NCE is to provide a more cost-effective and simplified licensing choice:

  • Delivering a simplified purchasing experience.
  • Standardising offers and terms.
  • Offering a flexible monthly subscription to customers.

How Will The New Commerce Experience Affect Customers?

Customers will experience greater flexibility and more focused forward planning as a result of several changes that are being introduced through NCE.

  • New products: Windows 365 will be available through CSPs, with free trial options and new add-ons which are available only through NCE.
  • Flexible billing: Customers will now be able to pay by monthly subscriptions, so they can cancel or reduce seat counts monthly. Also, monthly subscriptions can be integrated with annual licence-based subscriptions to balance costs.
  • Improved value: Access to the best prices on annual-term subscriptions will benefit customers, with prices locked-in for longer contractual periods.

Will Microsoft Products Be Affected?

NCE is designed to simplify users’ licensing and billing arrangements, so all product functionality, capabilities, and features should remain unchanged.

Contact TMB For More Information

At TMB, we’re a certified Microsoft Partner, with years of experience licensing and deploying Windows products for businesses like yours.

To find out more about how the New Commerce Experience will affect your business, or to take advantage of Microsoft’s new promotions on commercial seat-based licences, please get in touch today.

Image source: Canva