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4 Ways Managed IT Can Help Grow Your Business

Written by Anthony | Sep 20, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Is it true that better IT means better business? In the competitive post-pandemic world, an up-to-date IT infrastructure that connects a range of devices with the Cloud, delivers efficient, scalable solutions, and resists the efforts of cybercriminals to gain a foothold is a necessity for your business to stay competitive.

Furthermore, IT needs to integrate new software while facilitating full access to remote devices when employees are working from home or on the move. A Managed IT Services Provider (MSP), such as TMB, can maximise these benefits for your business in the following ways:

1) Full Software Integration

Software integration into a single unified system is essential to promote increased productivity, efficiency, and collaboration in the workplace. Whether you need to migrate data from a legacy system to Cloud-based data storage, connect different databases or file-based systems, or link standalone systems to eradicate process duplication or improve results: software integration is the key to more efficient business. An MSP can undertake the process on your behalf, utilising decades of experience to create robust solutions that meet the needs of your business.

2) Robust Cyber Security

Cyber Security is more important than ever, with an increase in attacks on UK businesses during the pandemic. An MSP can take control of your business’ security needs, implementing effective Cloud-managed solutions that can be synchronised across multiple locations – especially important when your employees are working remotely! Automatic VPN technology can make your internet traffic invisible, while automated backups will ensure your critical business data is safe in the event of a ransomware attack.

3) Streamlined IT Maintenance

Maintaining your own IT specialists on your payroll is a costly solution to the need for managed IT. The need for ongoing professional development, the problem of hardware issues arising out of hours, and cuts in turnover due to pandemic losses combine to make in-house IT support an expensive luxury that many businesses simply cannot afford. An MSP can provide total coverage for IT at any time of day or night and an unsurpassed level of expertise and industry experience – without compromising on the quality of IT support.

4) Scalability

For most businesses, the ultimate goal is sustainable, long-term growth, but your IT infrastructure needs to be able to support your brand’s expansion, rather than inhibit it. By choosing an experienced MSP to manage your IT, your business will have the technology in place to grow when demand for your products or services soars. Investing in Cloud-based platforms and data storage allows you to scale up instantly, without having to wait for your system to be upgraded, and eliminates the need to invest heavily in new hardware, such as larger server capacity.

An MSP can also manage Cloud migration on your behalf, ensuring system downtime is kept to a minimum and providing ongoing support should an issue arise.

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